$475.00 USD

Waiver of Liability


By ticking the box to agree to hold Harmony Slater (Harmony Ashtanga Yoga Ltd.)  entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence. By agreeing to these terms you forfeit all rights to bring a suit against Harmony Slater (Harmony Ashtanga Yoga Ltd.) for any reason.




By ticking the box, you agree to these terms and conditions. You, the Participant/Purchaser, hereby certify that you are 18 years of age or older. You have read and consent to all the terms detailed in this Agreement.

ADD ON: One Month of 1-1 Laser Voice Coaching with Harmony for $333

Inside this private, intimate channel with Harmony, you can ask her anything, get spot coaching, feedback and advice on your yoga practice, and all your spiritual, life, or business questions. It's like having a coach in your literal back pocket! 

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MORE than ASANA - Mini-Mentorship

Whether you're a Yoga Teacher, Coach, Healer, Therapist, Breathwork Facilitator, or Spiritual Seeker with untapped potential, imagine a space where you, along with 19 other dynamic individuals come together to redefine your connection to your higher self to amplify the impact you make on the world, and infuse new energy into your personal practice + business.

  •  Deepen your spiritual practice + your personal connection to your highest self or the god of your understanding
  •  Develop the essential skills to be a leader of impact, yoga teacher, coach and wellness facilitator.
  •  Attract the right people and resources to bring your bigger vision to life....and so much more.

🌈 This More than Asana Mentorship is not just about creating the kind of ‘life-work harmony’ that makes being a spiritual entrepreneur enjoyable; it's about becoming a transformative force in a world through stepping into impactful leadership.

Through this experiential mini-mentorship, you’ll discover the energetic tools and practices I’ve used to upgrade my beliefs, gain deep confidence in myself, while building a business I love.

🖤 The first 10 people to join will receive an additional 1:1 Call for Personalized Coaching + Mentorship 

🖤 PLUS they’ll receive an additional group coaching call.

Here's what you'll get:

🧘🏼‍♀️ Individual Clarity Session  (value $350)

🧘🏽Additional Group Coaching Call (value $150)

🌟 BONUS: Essential Breathwork Practice for Coaches & Entrepreneurs (value $190).

Payment Details:

  • One payment only.
  • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt. This is a non-refundable investment. All sales are final. I trust you are a 100%  YES! to all that will open up for you through this mini-mentorship program.